Over the years we have seen a number of Synthetic Rope brands come onto the market. Many of these were cheaply manufactured and failed after only a few pulls. Some were of a fantastic quality but were priced at a level which was not viable for the majority of users. This left our customers with a choice of either poor quality or huge expense.....with Armortek this decision is a thing of the past!!
Armortek synthetic winch ropes are manufactured using high strength light weight fibre which is subjected to a specifically created stretching process. Following this procedure the rope is treated with a special (and Armortek Exclusive) abrasion resistant coating to ensure maximum pulling and outstanding endurance. In addition to the the rope also goes through a UV stabilisation process designed to give the rope a long and safe working life.
Not affected by oil or water, Armortek is excellent in dry, wet, cold or humid conditions and stretches very little when used under load - with only 3-4% movement at breaking strain. This makes this rope very safe to use as it stores little energy - resulting in less severe lash backs in the unlikely event of a break.
Armortek 9.5mm Max Breaking Load: 10 871 kg (24,000 lbs)